
Showing posts with the label politics

RĪGAS METRS - Pt. 3. The winners of the award in 2018!

RĪGAS METRS - Pt.2. Hopes and expectations of awarding a second year.

RĪGAS METRS - Pt.1. The rise of the first and last urban award in Riga.

BRAVE NEW MAN. On archetypical masculinity and searching for empathy.

CONFESSIONS OF A BETRAYER. How Latvian are we really to celebrate the National Independence? Pt.1

AGE OF THE DISAPPOINTMENT. Why the hell are we 40 years too late?

VOTE, VOTE, OTHERWISE WE'RE LOST. Why the election of 2018 matters.

ADS FOREVER. Saving private Firewalls

WHILE THE POPE'S NOT WATCHING. Blasphemous things to do on the "Papal Holiday".

EXPERIENCING THE KNOWLEDGE OF CITIES. An interview about competence in urban environment in Rīga.

REQUIEM FOR A DREAM. The rise and fall of the Academy of Sciences.

CAME TO RĪGA? GET A BIKE. On cycling culture and how to find your perfect tourist / long-term ride. UPDATED 26.04.2022